achin Tendulkar is fond of Sports since his childhood till date. One of those sports is Boxing, too.
Even today, when he is at home with his son Arjun, he loves to play fight-fight or WWE with him. This is now but lets see how much he was fond of fights in his childhood days.
Sachin was a hyperactive child. An unusual mix of school-yard bully & sensitive soul. He stood out among his Friend even at the young age. The unit of 11 buildings in the sahitya sahwas housing complex ( is called "Ushakkal") had by the standards of the crowded metropolis large Playground, all of 30yardby 30 yards. This for Sachin and his close companions constituted the great outdoors.
Childhood photos of sachin, show him with a mass of curly long hair, exuberant & playful. The early neighborhood gang consisted of Avinash Govarikar(Now a Photographer)&Sunil Harse(A Contractor)while Atul Rande(Mumbai Ranji trophy Player)was a friend from playgroup.
The most abiding memory of those childhood days appears to be sachin’s strengths & his fondness for 'FIGHTS". whenever there was a new boy in housing society or school sachin would challenge him physically. And he rarely come out on the losing side.
By the time Sachin reached the second Grade, he had achieved the "NOT SMALL" feat for a six-year-old of beating up another boy all of two years older than him. "bashing them up for no reason” was his own Unique way of getting his message across to his peer group, According to Atul Ranade.
But he showed sympathy too, though his quality was reserved for animals.Gowarikar summed up the paradox: ‘He was a very kindhearted person. but he was always fascinated with power, speed & things like that."
Though, Sachin is small in height, his built up is really strong. It was evident when recently sachin hit an unbeaten match winning century in Chennai against England and after winning the match Yuvraj Singh tried to lift Sachin but could hold him for hardly 2 seconds.